Post Office Boxes by Kay Roberts
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Post Office Boxes by Kay Roberts

On a recent little vacation in Calistoga, I realized I would miss a friend’s major birthday if I didn’t find and mail her a card.  So I got myself out of a steaming pool and over to the post office.  I go to Calistoga for those steaming pools at least twice a year, but I never had occasion before to visit the post office, and when I saw the rows of beautiful old post office boxes, I became (excessively, says my husband) nostalgic. What memories of growing up in the 1940s and 50s in Cumberland, Wisconsin…


Calistoga: After the Fires

Most of us have favorite go-to places, destinations that refresh us but are not necessarily far from home.  It could be a walk in the woods, a stroll around the lake, or simply relaxing in one’s own backyard.  The historic town of Calistoga, in the Napa Valley, California, has long been one of my favorite retreats. Calistoga is just far enough away from home to feel like a true getaway.  Even given today’s difficult traffic conditions, a trip to Calistoga can be accomplished in just under two hours. The town is known for its natural hot…

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