A Fall Beach Vacation

Beach vacation time is pretty much over at this time of year.   Children are back in school and summer getaways seem like a distant memory.  Today though, in the middle of a historic heat wave, a little splash in the ocean would feel good. Chincoteague Island in Virginia was the destination for my fall beach vacation.  With family, including my two-year old grandson, we spent a memorable week on the island once famous for stories about wild ponies.   My only previous knowledge of Chincoteague was from childhood, reading Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry, first…

Postcards and Notes
Volkswagen buses meet on Old Route 66

Postcards and Notes

Summer and fall are excellent times for vacation, and there is no better way to share those experiences than by sending postcards and notes by mail. It’s quick, it’s easy, and there are beautiful options to represent those good times. But more to the point, postcards and notes are a great way to communicate, anytime and any place. “Having a great time in (fill in the blank). Wish you were here.” This is a standard cliché about messages on postcards, that they are rote and say very little. But nothing could be further from the truth.…

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