Backyard Wildlife

As an urban dweller with a small backyard, wildlife in my life is somewhat limited.  But perched on a hill, nestled between Glen Canyon and Mt. Davidson, the yard is not without its wild visitors, mostly avian. Resident squirrels still find unique ways to steal and eat the not quite ripe apples on my two small trees.  And when fall arrives and the apples grow bigger and sweeter, the fruit will disappear altogether within a couple of days. Recently, I observed something green and different rummaging in one of the trees.  As it peeked out between…


A Winter Drive Along the Coast

Winter has arrived in California with a vengeance, not a good time for a drive along the coast.  Lashing rains, heavy winds, and floods make this an unlikely time to undertake a road trip.  The arrival of a dear cousin, weeks earlier than anticipated, changed everything.  My cousin Laurene, despite having lived in Switzerland all of her adult life, is the closest relative I have to being a sister.  We are long-term correspondents, friends from childhood on, and my good fortune to spend a week with her was due to her recent grievous loss of her…

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